Thursday, May 10, 2007

24: Jack Bauer: Rouge Agent: Downward Spiral

Note: If you are waiting to watch 24 season 6 on DVD please read no further. I comment on this season's storyline (but no future spoilers).

The blog title above may be long but very apt for Day 6 of 24. After a suspenseful and engrossing Day 5, this season has left me wishing the show was called 12. If the eye rolling addition of Ricky "Don't call me Rick" Schroeder and a dragging nuclear threat storyline was not enough to help me change the channel. This season also includes an improbable phone call from thought-dead, now hostage Audrey Raines, only seconds after finding the suitcase nukes. This prompts Jack to go rouge agent and bring back one of the women he has loved. This is just insane.

Even the show runners know that this season is falling short. Executive Producer David Fury said that he knows this season isn't working and will fuse the writing methods of season 5 and 6 to make it more "unpredictable". You can read the article here.

Hopefully something will get the ball rolling next season and maybe we can go back to calling it the Jack Bauer Power Hour!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I simply cannot watch this show. I have tried to get into it but I just can't. I think Jack should get another job. If I had so many days that were this bad I would find a new line of work. Next season is Jack starting his new career by pulling a double at Kinko's.

Besides it runs opposite Heroes and there is no way I am missing that show. I know I could Tivo one and watch the other but I have to watch and record Heroes so I can watch it again later.

Yeah, I'm a nerd

- Chris Gray